Contact the Lower Boise Watershed Council
You can find out which Watershed Council Board Member representative addresses your interests on the Who We Are page. Contact information for each of these representatives is provided on that page. To learn more about the Lower Boise Watershed Council or to schedule a presentation about water quality for your group, contact lbwcexecutivedirector@gmail.com.
NOMINATIONS FOR BOARD POSITIONS BEING ACCEPTED NOW Nominations are being accepted until Oct. 7, 2024 to fill three board positions. The new board positions will begin January 2025. The applicable board positions will be three-year terms. The following positions are open for nominations:
Process for nomination and election: 1. Any person interested in serving on the Lower Boise Watershed Council board may submit a nomination form (attached) and letter of interest. Nominees must designate the interest group they wish to represent - agriculture, local government or environmental. Nominees must demonstrate they are qualified to represent the interest group through affiliation or expertise. More information on qualifications is available upon request. 2. Nomination forms and letters of interest must be submitted to the LBWC's Executive Director (Tom Dupuis) at Thomas.Dupuis@hdrinc.com no later than October 7th. 3. Qualified nominees’ applications will be forwarded to the board of directors by October 9th. 4. At the October 10th board meeting, nominees will be reviewed and a slate of nominees will be selected. 5. Board of directors will vote on the nominees at the November 14th board meeting. 6. Newly elected board members will assume their duties on January 1, 2025 (3 year term). Please feel free to share this email and information with others you think may be interested. Download the nomination form here: Nomination Form