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Sediment and Bacteria TMDL for the Lower Boise River

muddy pipe

Sediment discharge to a Boise River tributary from a sugar beet field.

The Sediment and Bacteria TMDL was completed and approved by EPA in 2000. This one TMDL addresses both pollutants. These two main documents, hosted on DEQ's Lower Boise River subbasin web site, summarize the TMDL outcomes:

Final TMDL: This document characterizes the water quality pollutant issues associated with sediment and bacteria, and determines who should reduce sediment and bacteria and when those reductions should occur.

Final TMDL Implementation Plan: This document details the pollution control efforts needed to restore the Lower Boise River to state water quality standards, outlines responsibilities of both point sources that discharge directly into the river and non-point sources that generate runoff, and establishes a schedule for implementing the control actions.

The Implementation Plan is designed to provide a framework for the local stakeholders, who are ultimately assisted by DEQ and the Lower Boise Watershed Council in their efforts. Additional source-specific plans (Urban/Suburban Stormwater, for example), are also provided.

As part of the bacteria TMDL implementation efforts, the Lower Boise Watershed Council was a partner in a bacteria sourcing study to use DNA fingerprinting technology to identify the actual sources of fecal coliform in the river.